Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.
One of the key lessons for me coming out of camp meeting is the need for us to recognize by our action that our total dependency is in God. We must get hungry for God like we have never been before. We must have a burning desire for the Fire of God to set us ablaze so that we can be changed, so that revival can start in and with us. There must be a pruning, a cutting away, a mortifying of everything and anything that stands between us and God. It takes faith in God to operate in His Kingdom. There is no choice, because without faith we cannot please God.
We must be a people lead by the Spirit of God, who stands on the Word of God knowing that we are already victorious in accomplishing what God has called us to do: to win souls, to shake nations to advance the Kingdom of God. We stand on the Word of God and nothing else moves us. We must live, breathe and eat the Word of God. It is time for us to consistently function in the realm of the Kingdom of God and not in the fleshly Kingdom of this world. We must be the light and the salt of this earth.
We must be at the place to hear God’s direction and directive for this end time. We must access all that God has for us so that we may become all God wants us to be. We must represent God here on earth in all his fullness, ascribing unto Him all honor and Glory. We cannot do this without the Fire of God burning away the sin and the dross that distracts and besets us. God wants to pour out his anointing but He must be able to trust us to handle it as his Ambassadors; we must be Holy as he is Holy.
We are at a time and place where it is going to take a radical called out group of believers to avail themselves to God to shake cities, states, nations, regions. The enemy is not our equal because greater is He that is in us than he that is in the World. We cannot continue to operate in the worldly Kingdom and beat Satan at his game. We must make a conscious decision to live for God. It is all or nothing. Nothing is sacred in our lives if we are to be used of God. This is not a game it is about being totally yielded, presenting ourselves, as a living sacrifice unto God even unto death. It is time! The only worth that the content of our Alabaster box must carry is to be poured out at the foot of Jesus. Nothing is more precious than Him.