Great Awakening Tour City #46 Riverside, CA | Jesse D Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

A Mexican gentleman received Christ and got the DVD. he said, “Now I can share this with my family.” A mom with 2 kids were looking for Christian school, but didn’t know Christ. Now they know Christ. Met gang members with tattoos, was reluctant at first but still shared the gospel. 50 marines, 27 received Christ. Had favor. At a park, 3 boys received Christ.

Jesse D
California United States

Great Awakening Tour City #46 Riverside, CA | Terrie M Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

We prayed with two different men. Both said they were drug addicts and had lost everything and were homeless. My husband prayed both through to salvation and then they also allowed us to pray for their deliverance from drugs and alcohol. Lady, recommitted her life to the Lord. Had team effort of 144 souls, won favor with activity director at a nursing home, who gave me permission to come back as a team leader. We went to the Alzheimer’s unit, a man couldn’t speak received Christ. P.S. I love to win souls. Don’t like to count them.

Terrie M
California United States

Great Awakening Tour City #19 Louisville, Kentucky | Lavra N Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Won 2 people to the Lord! My group won 44! There were three guys at Del City high school, and when I first started talking to them, they were not very receptive but by the time I was finished reading the script 2 of them got saved. 11/12 & 11/13/07 NH and Streets Three of the first 7 people received Jesus & said no one had ever told them before that God loves them.I prayed with an elderly lady at a nursing home who was sitting at the table and unresponsive, eyes closed. Even though she wasn’t responding, I continued and after I prayed the commitment prayer for her she suddenly came alert and smiled up at me and tried to speak some words. This woman was in the dementia area of the nursing home.

Lavra N
Kentucky United States

Great Awakening Tour City #19 Louisville, Kentucky | Debra C Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

I am so very grateful to you all for helping us to be bolder as soul winners. Sending us out to a hurting and lost world equipped with God’s Word and realizing how God’s Word touched people’s hearts and they gave their lives to the Lord is so awesome. I will forever be bolder for the Lord. Had 3 people that came to the Lord! At a nursing home, I prayed with a middle aged man who had a massive stroke and could not speak, only made sounds. I rebuked and cursed the evil spirits that have attacked him and after short time, he began to praise God and you could clearly understand what he was saying. Streets Rededication-Lady started crying

Debra C
Kentucky United States

Recent Student Testimonies

rodney howard browne

Food ministry – every opportunity counts.

I served in the food ministry this Sunday, and it was amazing. What I thought would be a boring line with food distribution opened my eyes and my heart to a new level. People who just walked out of the service had already been fed on a spiritual level, but now their hungry bellies were waiting to be fed. Their hearts were filled with faith as they walked out of the church and the faith for God to provide them with food. They walked in a line towards this week’s rescue, to not walk around hungry. We have to understand the meaning of food ministry and not just food distribution. We still get the chance to minister to these people as the walk out of the church and enter their daily lives. It makes a difference to just say some kind words like, “God bless you,” or “Have a great day.” Many of them have just received Jesus in their hearts and now we get the opportunity to act and follow up on it. We get the chance to be Jesus to them, just loving them and blessing them with a box of food for their week. You get the privilege of seeing their faces change as they receive a box of groceries. Their eyes get filled with hope and thankfulness. For many people the food ministry is the answer to their prayer.

I now understand the importance of taking every opportunity I get to bless another person. Even if all I can give is love, that is enough. Every act of love in the footprints of Jesus makes a difference in this world and takes us one step closer to leading another soul to Jesus.

I am honored to serve in a church where loving people and rescuing them is the number one goal. It is not about numbers but about showing people how to live a worthwhile life and make an eternal impact with their lives.


Sara B

Reaching Souls across America

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