It was just beyond words to have the Lord working miracles in these people’s lives. One woman who had knee surgery was up walking around with her pain level which dropped from an 8 or 9 to a 2 just in the few minutes we prayed on the phone. Her husband also felt his depression lift totally. God uses us all you have to be is willing to let him. –Shawnalee F.
So this week has been insane! I have been able to be in the call center taking prayer calls this week and it’s been amazing. One lady called for help to get to the meetings this week and I told her I wasn’t able to help with money but what I could do is apply my faith with her and God would provide. So I prayed with her last Tuesday and this Thursday I sat next to someone I never met before. I introduced myself and she told me her name and it sounded familiar.
Come to find out this was the same lady I prayed with. God supernaturally provided for her, her husband, and her daughter to come to the meeting! Not only that awesome thing happened Thursday but also that night meeting was ridiculously amazing. Heaven certainty came down. The Holiness of God was made huge that night as angels sang. To be apart was amazing and it continued for me when I was on the way home, at home, and the next morning. I’m feeling His presence even now as I type this. Be encouraged, if you want a touch from God just surrender your life and allow Him to use you to pour out. Your life will never be the same! That’s a promise. –Ryan M.