Today, I went to class at RBI. The first class of the day brought up two bibles school students. They began to share how God had invaded A Bible study the night before- healings, salvations and deliverances and the awing presence of God touched and changed lives. No more 20 minutes later I found myself in blubbering mess on the floor. God has begun to make me hungry for Him again. It’s time now to step out into God’s plan in faith and not allow offense or anything else in our heart.
I was in the store yesterday and approached a man on the way out to ask He knew that God loved him. He said that he had heard that before but wasn’t sure if he was going to heaven. After I had prayed with him to accept Christ into his heart, I went to drive home. I thank God I am chosen to witness the greatest miracle on earth of one passing from death to life; however I knew there was something more. I almost felt like something was missing- the heart of God. The power of the love of God to save, to heal, to deliver and to set free is to be active everyday.
I had become slack and wasn’t soul winning with a passion. After today I make a choice to stir up the gift that is me – don’t let the devil get a word in edgewise about your purpose or future because God’s purpose and plan is already mapped out for you- yield to the power of God and stay in His presence. –Ruth N.